Ever since we were young children, we’ve been told to eat up all our carrots because they have the ability to give us good eyesight. However, here is an interesting fact for you all from the LASIK Los Angeles eye doctors, the belief is really World War II propaganda. What really happened was the British wanted to keep their new radar technology secret from the Germans, so they started to spread rumors that their airmen suddenly got bionic night vision by eating lots of carrots.
Whether this deception worked or not, it’s a belief that still lives on till this day at least eight decades later. The laser vision correction surgeons tell us that there’s at least one ounce of truth in it, carrots and other nutrient-packed foods may not provide us with vision-based superpowers, but they do contribute to healthy eyes.
Are Carrots Really Good For Us?
Yes, they are! Similar to other yellow and orange vegetables and leafy greens, carrots provide our bodies with a good source of vitamin A. The color originates from beta-carotene, which our intestines use to create vitamin A. The LASIK Los Angeles doctors tell us that our eyes utilize vitamin A to convert light into brainwaves and maintain strength in the corneas (the clear layer over the front of the eye). Vitamin A deficiency results in blindness in around half a million children every year.
What About Oranges And Sweet Potatoes?
Before you get corrective eye surgery in Los Angeles, you should make sure you boost your eyesight with plenty of oranges and sweet potatoes. The body needs antioxidants such as vitamins C and E to remain healthy. When it comes to eye health, vitamin C reduces the risk of developing cataracts and may delay the advancement of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
When you consume citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, you get lots of vitamin C. The body also needs vitamin E to protect the eyes from “free radicals”, which are molecules that rattle healthy tissue, and nuts and sweet potatoes are two excellent sources of vitamin E.
Eat Leafy Greens And Eggs
When you ask your eye doctor about LASIK eye surgery costs, also ask whether leafy greens and eggs are good for eye health. He or she will tell you that research has shown that getting lots of nutrients such as lutein and zeaxanthin are linked with a reduced chance of chronic eye diseases like cataracts and AMD. Eggs and leafy greens are the best sources of these nutrients.
Consume Fish And Oysters
The body needs a lot of omega-3 fatty acids for good brain function and to provide a healthy immune system, and research reveals that omega-3 helps with visual development and retinal function. Fish is the best form of omega-3 fatty acids.
On the other hand, oysters are a good source of zinc. Zinc is a catalyst to get vitamin A from the liver to the retinas. A vitamin A-rich diet doesn’t do your body any good unless there is somewhere for zinc to go. If you aren’t a lover of oysters, you can get smaller quantities of zinc in nuts, meat, and beans.