Infrared heat is the hottest new health craze among adults.
Many people love spending time in the sauna for two major reasons – it makes the skin glow and it boosts energy. In addition to this, the infrared sauna helps you lose weight, detoxifies your body from heavy metal toxins, increases your serotonin levels, and relieves muscle pains.
Infrared heat penetrates deep into your skin and causes excessive sweating. It enables your body to remove a higher percentage of toxins than in a conventional sauna. Due to this excessive sweating, your body loses water weight. Therefore, sauna weight loss is a popular trend among adults.
Infrared saunas help the body burn 200 to 600 calories in a 30-minute session. Since your body loses plenty of water during a weight loss sauna session, it is important to drink plenty of water afterward to stay hydrated.
Does an infrared sauna make you look younger?
Infrared saunas stimulate blood flow, increase collagen production, improve skin tone, and reduce the signs of aging. All of this enhances the appearance of the skin. Increased blood circulation, removal of toxins, and the washing of cell debris improves the overall health of the skin and makes it more radiant.
The sauna also enhances your mood to some extent. Although the effects on serotonin levels and endorphins are not clear, spending time in an infrared sauna usually leads to enhanced mood and relaxation.
The most apparent result of a sauna session is getting drenched in sweat. Infrared rays absorb heavy metals, environmental pollutants, and radiation from the deep layers of the body stored in fat cells. This is why the sweat you produce in the sauna is oily and less salty than typical exercise sweat. Whenever I hear someone say that they want new alternatives to achieving weight loss, I recommend a sauna.
What exactly is infrared, and what do these saunas do?
Based on wavelength values, there are three types of saunas: near-infrared thermal wavelengths (heat from a fire or your body), mid-infrared thermal wavelengths (used by soldiers for thermally conductive missiles), and far-infrared wavelengths (used for thermal radiation).
In 1800, Sir Frederick William Herschel first discovered infrared heat and infrared light (all flame emits light, so its effect is long-lasting).
Many devices use infrared technology, such as remote controls and night vision goggles, and can even be used to hatch premature animals.
The sauna is like a private meditation room. Each lamp has an LED color lightbox on the ceiling, which you can manually change to any color you want or automatically cycle through the spectrum.
The sauna is equipped with speakers and a small wooden box with an outlet that can accommodate a mobile phone or mp3 player. Inside, it can recharge your device and play any jam you like without overheating.
When I left the sauna for the first time, I was a little dizzy and greasy, but about five minutes after hydrating, I felt incredible and clear-headed. My muscles were relaxed like I had just spent an hour practicing yoga. My skin was soft and glowing. I felt happy and calm.
Infrared saunas provide a unique opportunity for people to improve both their body and mind.