According to sleep experts at mattress stores in Orange County, sleep is not always a quiet, peaceful time for our bodies. Subconscious activity in our brain can lead to some very strange habits in our sleep that can disturb our sleep cycles. Some of these can be distracting or frightening for our bedroom partners. However, they are usually nothing to worry about. It is normal to experience some of these conditions at least once. In order to assess the reasons behind strange sleeping habits, sleep experts are here to go through some of the most common sleeping conditions that break typical sleep/wake patterns.
Hypnic Jerk
Many people experience the hypnic jerk when they are just about to fall asleep. Instead of actually drifting off, your body will start to feel like it’s falling and jerk awake. According to a recent study, 2 out of 3 adults will experience this phenomenon at some point. Some people will actually visualize themself tripping or falling and others will make a little sound in response. While there is no direct cause for hypnic jerks, medical experts say that it could be a result of sleep deprivation, stress, or overstimulation from intense exercise or caffeine. While this can be quite startling for a sleeper, sleep experts consider this a normal variation of sleep. The only time this phenomenon could be troublesome is if it leads to insomnia.
Sleep Talking
Another strange, yet relatively common sleeping phenomenon is sleep talking. Like the hypnic jerk, 2 out of 3 adults develop this habit. People who talk in their sleep may utter complete sentences or just a few phrases in the night. This is something that might freak out anyone who is sleeping in the same room. However, it is important to remember that these subconscious conversations often have no logical connection to the sleeper speaking them. It is simply dream jibber jabber.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming refers to the knowledge that you are dreaming while you are in a dream and having the ability to control it. Many people are able to do this and still more would like to learn. It can enhance your dream sensations and allow you to turn any nightmare into something more pleasant or interesting.
Dreams Within Dreams
Have you ever believed you woke up from a dream, only to wake up again in another few minutes? You’re not alone. The dream within a dream phenomenon is something that a lot of people experience, probably as a result of subconscious expectations. Some people will think that they have woken up and gotten ready for the day, only to realize that they were still dreaming and have to do it all over again! This can be a little annoying, but it’s nothing to worry about.
Sleep Paralysis
If you’ve ever woken up with a frozen body, unable to control it, then this is known as sleep paralysis. It usually only lasts a few seconds. If you don’t experience this often and only when you are extremely tired, then it is likely a result of sleep deprivation. However, it can also be tied to conditions like narcolepsy. If you are worried about the frequency that you are experiencing this condition, then you should speak to a doctor about your symptoms. Otherwise, you probably just need another night of restful sleep!
Orange County mattress stores’ sleep experts say that many people experience one or more of these sleeping phenomena at least once in their life, and that’s okay! As long as these conditions are not interfering with your regular patterns of rest, then there is no cause for concern. Our bodies and minds can work in mysterious ways, but researchers are continuing to try and make sense of these natural habits. The good news is, we’re not alone.