Eggs are a super nutritious food. It’s an immensely good source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Eggs also contain antioxidants and choline, a nutrient that helps with brain health and development. You should eat eggs because they a highly nutritious and versatile food–it’s a great addition to any healthy diet. Here are some tips for to eat and incorporate more eggs into your meals.
1. Start Your Day with Eggs
Eggs are a fantastic breakfast option; they can be prepared in so many different ways! You can do them scrambled, poached, or boiled. Pair your eggs with whole-grain toast and a side of fruit for a balanced meal. They can also be incorporated into your favorite pancake or waffle mixes–make delectably sweet treats that will keep you energized throughout the day.
2. Make Egg Salad
Boil and mash a few eggs, then mix with a bit of mayonnaise, mustard, and diced vegetables for a tasty egg salad. Spread the mixture on whole grain bread or crackers, or enjoy as a dip with fresh veggies. They’re super affordable and easy to make so egg salad makes for a great potluck addition or meal prep meal.
3. Add Eggs to Soup and Stews
Crack a fresh egg into a hot bowl of soup or stew for a fast and easy protein boost. The egg will cook in the hot liquid. It creates a creamy texture that adds richness and flavor to your meal. Some soups that taste great with freshly-cracked eggs include egg drop soup, crab and corn soup, and spicy noodles.
4. Make Frittatas or Omelets
Frittatas and omelets are a great way to add eggs to your diet and can be filled with a variety of veggies and other ingredients. You can use any sort of vegetable to add more flavor–our personal favorites are onions, carrots, corn, and peas. Try a vegetable-filled frittata for a healthy and satisfying meal.
5. Top Your Salads with Eggs
Boil or poach an egg and place it on top of a salad for a delicious and satisfying lunch. The egg’ll supplement the salad and give you that much-needed protein to help keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day. The yolk makes for an all-natural salad dressing–it’ll take your dish to the next level.
6. Make Deviled Eggs
Boil and peel eggs, then slice in half lengthwise. Remove the yolks and mix that yellow goodness with mayonnaise, mustard, and spices for a delicious deviled egg filling. Spoon the yummy egg mixture back into the egg whites for a tasty and healthy snack. You can add any sort of ingredients you’d like to the yolk mixture depending on your preference.
7. Bake with Eggs
You can use eggs as a binding ingredient in many baked goods. Muffins, bread, cakes… the egg-cellent sky’s the limit! Try replacing a bit of the oil or butter in your recipes with eggs for a nutritious and delicious twist. This is a great way to make your kids who don’t like eggs eat eggs simply because they can’t taste them in the baked goods.
8. Experiment with New Recipes
Eggs can be utilized in a variety of recipes. Egg salad sandwiches to quiches and frittatas, what have you. Try experimenting with new recipes that include eggs to add variety to your diet. You’d be surprised at how many ways in how many dishes you can use your favorite eggs.
In conclusion, incorporating more eggs into your diet can be easy and delicious. Whether you have a preference for your eggs scrambled, boiled, or baked, you can totally mix and match different ways of adding eggs to your meals. By trying new recipes and incorporating eggs into your diet in new and creative ways, you can enjoy the many benefits of this highly nutritious food.