Everyone would like to have pearly white color of teeth, which indicate attractiveness and can give people more self-confidence. According to psychological research, individuals are more inclined to view someone with white teeth as successful, professional, and deserving of their trust. Many people will make considerable effort to have their teeth whitened for special events and everyday living. Teeth whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental operations. But despite all the advantages we just went over, how crucial is the color of your teeth to general health?
Here is some brief information about white teeth and tooth color, as provided by real dentists:
Yellow teeth always indicate poor dental health. Is it actually true?
Sometimes. Your teeth will undoubtedly turn yellow if you don’t brush them regularly. It is also a byproduct of becoming older since, as we age, the white enamel on the tooth’s surface wears down.
Genetic factors may contribute to yellow teeth.
It’s common knowledge that some people are born with better teeth than others, much as other health issues may run in families. If you believe that despite your efforts, the color of your teeth isn’t improving much, it might not be your fault. You’ll need to get your teeth professionally whitened if you want whiter teeth because it might be in your genetic makeup.
Some medical procedures might make teeth yellow.
Your teeth may turn yellow if you are currently receiving chemotherapy or other cancer treatment or taking medication for another medical condition.
Whitening is only possible on natural teeth.
Dental implants cannot be whitened most of the time. Therefore, you must look after them properly since their brilliant whiteness can fade over time.
Your beverages can change the color of your teeth.
Coffee and soft beverages, particularly diet soda, can discolor teeth. It might be time to stop drinking as much coffee in the morning and switch to a bottle of water. Your teeth will also become stained if you routinely drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. It’s crucial to seek professional assistance as soon as you suspect that your reliance on any of these substances, including non-alcoholic beverages, is starting to impact your life negatively. Doing so will protect both your oral health and your emotional well-being.
Can I get my teeth whitened permanently?
No. You are allowed only a few months to a maximum of three years for cosmetic teeth whitening procedures. You will continue to use your teeth and put things in your mouth because you must eat and drink to survive. Additionally, you can whiten your teeth using either laser technology or bleaching trays. However, you should still maintain good oral hygiene so that the results last longer. It is also important to note that your insurance is unlikely to pay for the operation because it is cosmetic.
If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, talk to your dentist. They can come up with a treatment plan that works for you and that you can afford. Alternatively, you can also do DIY teeth whitening treatments using ingredients typically found in anybody’s pantry.
Life is too short to remain dissatisfied with your smile!