Peanut butter is a great source of protein and can help you meet your daily needs. A humble peanut contains about twelve grams, which could be the perfect amount for someone on the go! Peanuts also provide several other nutrients including minerals like manganese, which keeps your bones strong, healthy fats that promote skin elasticity as well vitamins B2 & E – all essential in supporting general health throughout life. Did you know that there is a National Peanut Butter Day held annually on January 24? The good news is that even though it’s May, you don’t have to wait ‘till next year to try some peanut butter recipes you can use to easily boost your daily protein intake today!
- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
This classic goes all the way back to your early school days – and you’re simply never too old for it. If you’re short on time and need a quick fix, then just grab some bread, jelly, and of course, peanut butter and take it on the go!
- Peanut Butter Oats
The perfect breakfast for any time of year! These peanut butter and jelly oats are so good that you will want them every day, but unfortunately, they only last a few days before becoming completely stale. The best way to keep this nutritious snack fresh? Throw some nutty tasty into an ice cream maker full-stop then eat away as much cold whipped cream (or vanilla if preferred) offscreen while still freezing the mixture slowly at its original temperature.
- Peanut Butter Pancakes
You don’t have to give up your favorite breakfast treats when you want a healthier option. Peanut Butter Pancakes are just as delicious and will keep the doctor away (okay, that’s stretching the truth a bit, but you get the idea).
- Peanut Noodles with Sesame Ginger Sauce
The perfect balance of sweet, salty and savory elements provided by the peanut butter as well as the Asian sesame oil are what makes this dish so irresistible. The noodles are cooked in a delicious sauce with fresh vegetables for added crunchiness that you can easily customize according to your preferences by adding more or less ingredients at any time during preparation – making it the ultimate healthy comfort food not to mention an easy way to get your recommended protein intake!
- Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies
You can bake your own cookies to be better for your health. Why not put them in your child’s lunchbox or share them in the office? You’ll be doing everyone a favor by helping everyone increase their daily protein intake in a fun and delicious way!
There are many great and easy ways to implement peanut butter into your life. If you’re still unsure on whether or not you’re meeting your protein needs, be sure to check out our protein intake calculator and check out our other resources on how to increase protein intake.
What are some of your favorite peanut butter recipes? Let us know by sending us a message or leaving a comment on one of our social media accounts!