All different kinds of diets get all sorts of coverage in traditional magazines and on the Internet, and millions of them try them every given year. Have you ever wondered if any of your favorite celebrities adhere to any popular diet? Find out below!
Billie Eilish – Vegan
The 20-year-old singer revealed on Tumblr in 2018 that she went vegan at the age of 12. She has used her influence to teach fans about vegan activism through her social media pages. Considering the average vegan makes the switch at age 24, she was way ahead of the game. Good on you, Billie!
Kourtney Kardashian – Keto & Vegan
Prepare for trouble, and make it double. Following Kourtney’s Keto & Vegan diet is not an easy feat. She stated that in 2018 she chose to go keto because her doctor said she needed a metal detox, “He tested my muscles and found that I had high levels of mercury and lead in my system.” When asked about veganism, she responded that she is doing it “for the sake of the planet,” expressing concern for factory farming contributing to global warming and farming land eliminating the homes of their native species.
Jamie Lee Curtis – (Almost) Pescetarian
A pescetarian is a person who does not eat any meat but does consume fish. However, the yogurt brand she appeared in a commercial for is made with Kosher gelatin. Gelatin is made from animal body parts, common in many candies and gums, and many vegetarians unknowingly consume it.
Jessica Biel – Paleo
Paleo is also known as the “caveman diet,” as it consists of food believed to be eaten by very early humans during the Paleolithic era. “I just feel better when I don’t have gluten or wheat or dairy,” Biel stated in an interview with the LA Times several years ago. “My digestion is better.”
Lady Gaga – Gluten-free
Stefani has been following a healthy, gluten-free diet for years, stating her reason for starting was to lose weight back in 2012. According to her chef, she primarily eats various vegetables on top of chicken and fish.
Megan Fox – Keto & Paleo
In 2014, Megan stated in an interview that she jumped onto the keto diet because “carbs didn’t make her feel good,” but in 2019, she revealed in an Instagram post that she switches interchangeably between the keto and paleo diets. She also told that she keeps her kids on a “low sugar” diet by giving them healthier paleo-friendly bars instead. Great call!
Natalie Portman – Vegan
Natalie went vegan in 2011 before the demand for more plant-based options took off in the late 2010s. She even initially became a vegetarian at 9. “Mothers are separated from children to create milk. Animals are sick and in crowded, prison-like conditions to make dairy and eggs. It doesn’t take a lot to draw the line from how we treat animals to how we treat humans,” said Portman.
Scarlett Johansson – Gluten-free
Johansson has a wheat allergy, which naturally resulted in her being gluten-free. She enjoys the New York-based Babycakes Bakery, which offers gluten-free cupcakes.