In order to improve your chances of having a successful LASIK in Orange County, you need to understand just what can be used to improve the eye’s conditions while also strengthening the eyes themselves. This can pay huge dividends for you when it comes to heightening your odds of your LASIK being successful, so here is a list of vitamins that can improve your eyes and just what part they play in its overall health.
What makes Niacin so crucial for your eyes is not only its ability to turn food into energy, but it also reduces your risk of contracting glaucoma. Glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve gets damaged, leading to a gradual vision loss over time. Niacin greatly reduces the risk of any of these problems, so you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing you won’t suffer such a fate.
According to a LASIK surgeon in Orange County, this vitamin contains antioxidants that can relax your body and, by extension, your eye. By taking or incorporating vitamin B2-rich food into your diet, you can greatly reduce the chances of suffering from cataracts, which can greatly hamper your ability to have LASIK. If you’re a big fan of dairy products such as milk and yogurt, you’re going to definitely reap the benefits of this vitamin. Try to see if you can have at least 1 milligram of this vitamin a day in order to reduce the risk of getting cataracts in the future.
Vitamin A
One of the most important aspects of your eye, especially when making your LASIK surgeon’s job in Orange County easier, is the cornea. If you have a healthy cornea, you’ll make the likelihood of a successful surgery much more likely. Consuming Vitamin A is a helpful way of accomplishing this while also allowing you to see in low light levels or environment. It’s a very well-rounded vitamin that protects our eyes against diseases like cataracts, so make sure you get enough of this if you can.
Vitamin C
Niacin assists greatly in maintaining your eyes’ structure and improves its overall integrity. It can also greatly protect you from cataracts. Considering how dangerous they can be to your eyes, this is something to be thankful for.
So long as you stick to consuming vitamins such as these, the strength of your eyes can be maintained well enough for you to definitely increase the odds of successfully having your LASIK in Orange County. If you can adjust your diet accordingly in order to ensure that you do receive these vitamins, that’s all the better for you.