Now that it’s the fall season, we’ll be taking a look at some of the fruits and vegetables that make this season special. Top of the list is the classic pumpkin, which we use for a variety of fall activities such as carving for Halloween or flavoring our favorite coffee shop lattes. But that’s not the only reason why we love the pumpkin. Why, pumpkins have a lot of other amazing health benefits too!
Here are just five health benefits of pumpkins.
1. Pumpkins are Good for the Digestive System
Pumpkins are an amazing source of dietary fiber. These are nutrients that cannot be digested by the human body. And while food that cannot be digested may seem like a bad thing, they actually do wonders for your digestive tract!
Firstly, they control your blood sugar level—since fiber cannot be digested, the stomach has a harder time absorbing nutrients from the other foods you eat. The longer the digestion, the fewer blood sugar spikes you’ll experience.
Secondly, they increase the good bacteria in your gut—pumpkins and other fiber-rich foods prevent bad bacteria from taking over. They also aid in weight loss and speed up digestion.
Lastly, they make pooping easier. If your stool is watery, fiber can bulk it up. If your stool is too hard, fiber can soften it. You’re free to stay on the toilet for hours on your phone because of fiber!
2. Pumpkins Lower Blood Pressure
Besides fiber, pumpkins are an excellent source of minerals including potassium. This nutrient counters the deadly effects of sodium in the body. Too much sodium can be torture for your kidneys as they need to work double-time to get rid of excess toxins from the body. The more pressure your kidneys are in, the more pressure your blood vessels and heart will have to endure. That’s why a diet with too much sodium can lead to heart disease, hypertension, and stroke.
Potassium aids your kidneys in flushing out excess sodium from the blood. They are a crucial element of a healthy diet, and unfortunately, not many Americans can say they get the daily recommended intake. Don’t be one of them and start eating more pumpkin!
3. Pumpkins are Rich in Vitamin A
Do you know what makes pumpkins such a bright shade of yellow, orange, or red? It’s beta-carotene, a chemical that our body then converts to Vitamin A. These are antioxidants that do a lot of good for our skin, eyes, and immune system. Indeed, there’s a reason why many top-of-the-line skincare products incorporate carrots into their ingredients list and why many people believe carrots give you better eyesight (which has since been debunked, but it’s still awesome for your eyes, anyway).
Since Vitamin A is an antioxidant, they also help flush out toxins. You want to get rid of them as they can cause cancer, diabetes, strokes, and other debilitating conditions.
4. Pumpkins Strengthen Your Immunity and Health
Pumpkins are chock full of Vitamins A, C, and E. They are also packed with minerals like iron and zinc. Together, these vitamins and minerals are a recipe for a great immune system.
Having strengthened immunity is so important because they’re your body’s first line of defense against bacteria and viruses. From common colds to tuberculosis, your body needs your immune system to be at its strongest fight back. Your immune system also ensures everything is in proper working order to not just prevent, but fight off disease.
5. Pumpkins are Anti-Inflammatory Foods
One of the quirky things your immune system does is make your body go through inflammation. This is when your body’s internal temperature rises to kill any offending viruses and bacteria. However, if your body is experiencing too much inflammation (i.e., chronic inflammation), then it can lead to conditions like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more. It also leads to pain in your bones and joints, contributing to disabilities in later life.
Inflammation is associated with the food we eat. Some foods like red meat heighten inflammation and aren’t good in excess. Anti-inflammatory foods, on the other hand, are good for you. Pumpkins are one of them and so good for your health!
So, what are you waiting for? Incorporate more pumpkins in your diet today! They’re nutritious, tasty, and budget-friendly too–find out how you can save lots of money by buying a whole pumpkin here.