The ketogenic diet is all about reducing the number of carbohydrates you eat and increasing your fat intake. But, like many foods on the market, some foods are way healthier than others, especially in the fat department. In this article, we’ll be discussing foods with fats that are good for you and bad for you on a keto diet.
Good Fats
The fats in this section should 100% be in your keto diet. Eating fats never felt this healthy!
1. Avocado
Avocadoes are superheroes in the food world. They’re packed with loads of healthy fats and fiber that will help you lose weight and give your body the vitamins and minerals it deserves.
On top of that, avocadoes work well with both sweet and savory dishes! Add avocadoes to smoothies and fruit bowls for some extra fiber, or make guacamole or avocado toast for savory dishes that really hit the spot.
2. Olive Oil
Olive oil is another must-have fats in a keto diet. This oil fills you right up without raising your cholesterol levels. They can also reduce your risk of developing debilitating diseases like heart disease and stroke. Look how many birds you can hit with one stone!
Use olive oil to dress up your favorite salads or sauté ingredients for pasta and other dishes.
3. Avocado Oil
One of the disadvantages of olive oil is its low smoking point. This means that it starts tasting funky when heated to a certain temperature, making it a poor candidate for high-temperature cooking. Luckily, there’s an alternative that’s just as healthy as olive oil, and that’s avocado oil!
Use avocado oil to fry, sauté, and sear anything and everything!
4. Nuts and Nut Butter
Nuts aren’t the most ketogenic-friendly foods out there because of their relatively high carbohydrate content, but the healthy fat content they have makes it all the more worth it! Just make sure you’re using nut products without any added sugar—nuts are naturally sweet, anyway, and you don’t need those extra calories.
There are many nuts in your arsenal. Almonds, pistachios, macadamia nuts, and pecans are just some of them!
5. Flaxseed and Chia Seeds
Don’t underestimate the small size of flaxseeds and chia seeds—these seeds pack a remarkable punch! Each seed is full of omega-3 fatty acids that’ll make your cardiovascular system sing. These don’t require any cooking at all, and you can easily add a spoonful or two to your food for some extra healthy fats.
On top of that, these seeds are great for weight control because they help fight insulin resistance. You heard that right! They can help manage diabetes.
6. Fatty Fish
There’s a reason being a pescatarian is a thing! While saying goodbye to white and red meat is generally healthy for you, doing the same for fatty fish blocks you from the health benefits these amazing foods provide. Fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are so good for your heart that the American Heart Association highly recommend you eat them at least twice to thrice a week.
Plus, they fit very well in a ketogenic diet. Losing weight and having a healthy heart can be so tasty!
Bad Fats
On the other hand, these are the fats you want to refrain from eating as much as possible on a keto diet. There are healthier alternatives out there!
1. Cheese
What’s not to love about cheese? It goes well with just about anything including wine, pizza, pasta, and so much more. Plus, it’s made of dairy, which means it’s pretty low on carbohydrates. This makes it healthy, right?
Not necessarily! While low on carbohydrates, it’s high in saturated fat and can actually cause you to pack some pounds. As you’ll see later, cheese and other bad fats should be eaten in moderation so as not to overwhelm your body with bad fats, especially on a keto diet.
2. Cream
Cream isn’t the healthiest fat around, but it is one of the most addicting. In fact, one itty-bitty tablespoon has 5 g of saturated fat already! Just imagine how much more fat there’d be if you drowned your coffee or pancakes in whipped cream!
Use cream in moderation if needed. You can also try vegan whipped cream that has lower fat than dairy whipped cream.
3. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is well-revered in the health industry for its health benefits. It also does wonders for your skin and hair, making it a staple in the beauty industry too. At the end of the day, however, it’s still fat, and all fat can be stored in the body and make you gain weight.
There’s some controversy about the kind of fat coconut oil has. Research shows that the fat isn’t as unhealthy as saturated fat, but isn’t as healthy as omega-3 fatty acids either. It’s in that gray area. So, if you want to add coconut oil to your diet, consume it in moderation.
4. Butter
Butter is one of the unhealthiest fats around, even when you’re not on a keto diet. It’s largely made out of saturated fat and cholesterol, which can clog your arteries and increase your likelihood of heart disease. Butter can be used in moderation, but please do not ever consider it your go-to fat on a ketogenic diet.
5. Whole Milk
Milk is a great source of vitamins and minerals and is a great source of healthy fats as well. However, all this comes with a lot of carbohydrates as well. Indeed, one cup of whole cow’s milk may use up your daily allotment of carbohydrates for the day, so be very wise about how much milk you’re using in your coffee or your scrambled eggs. Try going for vegan milk and other milk alternatives, instead.
6. Red Meat
Meat is usually a go-to ingredient on a ketogenic diet, but don’t get too crazy on red meat. Beef, pork, and lamb are chock-full of saturated fat that increases your chances of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and more. What’s the point of losing all that weight when your body will just be as unhealthy as when you first started?
Instead, go for leaner meats like chicken or turkey.